

 Qiqi's Blog     2018-01-11   10534 words    & views




  1 <?php
  2     @ $db = mysqli_connect ('localhost', 'root', 'xxx', 'forum');
  3     if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
  4     ¦   die("Error: Could not connect to database. Please try it again.");
  5     }
  6     $query = 'select * from articals order by date desc';
  7     $result = mysqli_query ($db, $query);
  8     $num_results = mysqli_num_rows ($result);
  9     for ($i = 0; $i < $num_results; $i++) {
 10     ¦   $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc ($result);
 11     ¦   $query = 'select username from users where userid=' . $row['userid']    ;
 12     ¦   $name_result = mysqli_query ($db, $query);
 13     ¦   $name = mysqli_fetch_assoc ($name_result);
 14     ¦   echo '<p><strong><big><a href="artical.php?id=';
 15     ¦   echo $row['postid'] . '">';
 16     ¦   echo htmlspecialchars (stripslashes ($row['title']));
 17     ¦   echo '</a></big></strong> <i>';
 18     ¦   echo htmlspecialchars (stripslashes ($name['username']));
 19     ¦   echo '</i> ';
 20     ¦   echo htmlspecialchars ($row['date']);
 21     }
 22     mysqli_close ($db);
 23 ?>
 24 <html>
 25 <head>
 26     <meta charset="utf-8">
 27     <title>Online Forum</title>
 28 </head>
 29 <body>
 30     <h1>琪琪的论坛</h1>
 31     <form action= "register.php" method= "post">
 32     ¦   <input type= "submit" value= "Register"/>
 33     </form>
 34     <form action= "login.php" method= "post">
 35     ¦   <input type= "submit" value= "Login"/>
 36     </form>
 37     <form action= "post.php" method= "post">
 38     ¦   <input type= "submit" value= "Post an artical"/>
 39     </form>
 40     <hr />
 41 </body>
 42 </html>


  1 <?php
  2     @ $db = mysqli_connect ('localhost', 'root', 'xxx', 'forum');
  3     if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
  4     ¦   die ("Error: Could not connect to database. Please try it again later");
  5     }
  6     $query = 'select * from articals where postid=' . $_GET['id'];
  7     $result = mysqli_query ($db, $query);
  8     $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc ($result);
  9     echo '<h1>' . htmlspecialchars (stripslashes ($row['title'])) . '</h1>';
 10     echo '<p>' . htmlspecialchars (stripslashes ($row['content'])) . '</p>';
 11     echo '<hr />';
 12     echo '<h1>Comment</h1>';
 13     $query = 'select * from comment where postid=' . $_GET['id'] . ' order by date desc';
 14     $result = mysqli_query ($db, $query);
 15     $num_results = mysqli_num_rows ($result);
 16     if ($num_results < 1) {
 17     ¦   echo 'No comment';
 18     } else {
 19     ¦   for ($i = 0; $i < $num_results; $i++) {
 20     ¦   ¦   $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
 21     ¦   ¦   $query = 'select username from users where userid=' . $row['userid'];
 22     ¦   ¦   $name_result = mysqli_query ($db, $query);
 23     ¦   ¦   $name = mysqli_fetch_assoc ($name_result);
 24     ¦   ¦   echo '<p><i>';
 25     ¦   ¦   echo htmlspecialchars (stripslashes ($name['username']));
 26     ¦   ¦   echo ':</i> ';
 27     ¦   ¦   echo htmlspecialchars (stripslashes ($row['comment']));
 28     ¦   ¦   echo ' ';
 29     ¦   ¦   echo htmlspecialchars ($row['date']);
 30     ¦   ¦   echo '</p>';
 31     ¦   }
 32     }
 33     mysqli_close ($db);
 34 ?>
 35 <html>
 36 <body>
 37     <form method= "post">
 38     ¦   <?php
 39     ¦   ¦   echo '<a href="comment.php?id=' . $_GET['id'] . '">';
 40     ¦   ?>
 41     ¦   <input type= "button" value= "Post a comment"/>
 42     ¦   <?php
 43     ¦   ¦   echo '</a>';
 44     ¦   ?>
 45     </form>
 46 </body>
 47 </html>


  1 <?php
  2     @ $db = mysqli_connect ('localhost', 'root', 'xxx', 'forum');
  3     if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
  4     ¦   die ("Error: Could not connect to database. Please try it again later.");
  5     }
  6     if (isset ($_POST['uname'], $_POST['passwd'])) {
  7     ¦   $query = "insert into users (username, password) values ('" . $_POST    ['uname'] . "', '" . $_POST['passwd'] . "')";
  8     ¦   $result = mysqli_query ($db, $query);
  9     ¦   if (!$result) {
 10     ¦   ¦   echo 'Fault';
 11     ¦   } else { 
 12     ¦   ¦   header ("Location: login.php");
 13     ¦   }
 14     }
 15     mysqli_close ($db);
 16 ?>
 17 <html>
 18 <head>
 19     <title>Register</title>
 20 </head>
 21 <body>
 22     <form action= "register.php" method= "post">
 23     ¦   <table border= "0">
 24     ¦   ¦   <tr>
 25     ¦   ¦   ¦   <td>Username:</td>
 26     ¦   ¦   ¦   <td align= "center" width= "150"><input type= "text" name= "uname" size= "15" maxlength= "15"/></td>
 27     ¦   ¦   </tr>
 28     ¦   ¦   <tr>
 29     ¦   ¦   ¦   <td>Password:</td>
 30     ¦   ¦   ¦   <td align= "center" width= "150"><input type= "text" name= "passwd" size= "15" maxlength= "15"/></td>
 31     ¦   ¦   </tr>
 32     ¦   ¦   <tr>
 33     ¦   ¦   ¦   <td colspan= "4" align= "center"><input type= "submit" value= "register"/></td>
 34     ¦   ¦   </tr>
 35     ¦   </table>
 36     </form>
 37 </body>
 38 </html>


  1 <?php
  2     session_start();
  3     if ($_SESSION['info'] === true) {
  4     ¦   header ("Location: index.php");
  5     }
  6     if ($_POST) {
  7     ¦   $uname = $_POST['uname'];
  8     ¦   $passwd = $_POST['passwd'];
  9     ¦   @ $db = mysqli_connect ('localhost', 'root', 'xxx', 'forum');
 10     ¦   if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
 11     ¦   ¦   die ("Error: Could not connect to database. Please try it again later.");
 12     ¦   }
 13     ¦   $query = "select * from users where username='" . $uname . "'and password='" . $passwd . "'";
 14     ¦   $result = mysqli_query ($db, $query);
 15     ¦   $num_results = mysqli_num_rows ($result);
 16     ¦   if (!$num_results) {
 17     ¦   ¦   die ("Please input the right username and password.");
 18     ¦   } else {
 19     ¦   ¦   $_SESSION['info'] = true;
 20     ¦   ¦   $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc ($result);
 21     ¦   ¦   $_SESSION['userid'] = $row['userid'];
 22     ¦   ¦   header ("Location: index.php");
 23     ¦   }
 24     }
 25     echo '<p><a href= "register.php">还没有账号?快去注册一个吧</a><p>';
 26 ?>
 27 <html>
 28 <head>
 29     <title>Log In</title>
 30 </head>
 31 <body>
 32     <form action= "login.php" method= "post">
 33     ¦   <table border= "0">
 34     ¦   ¦   <tr>
 35     ¦   ¦   ¦   <td>Username:</td>
 36     ¦   ¦   ¦   <td align= "center" width= "150"><input type= "text" name= "uname" size= "15" maxlength= "15"/></td>
 37     ¦   ¦   </tr>
 38     ¦   ¦   <tr>
 39     ¦   ¦   ¦   <td>Password:</td>
 40     ¦   ¦   ¦   <td align= "center" width= "150"><input type= "text" name= "passwd" size= "15" maxlength="15"/></td>
 41     ¦   ¦   </tr>
 42     ¦   ¦   <tr>
 43     ¦   ¦   ¦   <td colspan= "8" align= "center"><input type= "submit" value= "Log In"/></td>
 44     ¦   ¦   </tr>
 45     ¦   </table>
 46     </form>
 47 </body>
 48 </html>


  1 <?php
  2     session_start ();
  3     if (!(isset ($_SESSION['info']) && $_SESSION['info'] === true)) {
  4     ¦   header ("Location: login.php");
  5     }
  6     @ $db = mysqli_connect ('localhost', 'root', 'xxx', 'forum');
  7     if (mysqli_connect_errno ()) {
  8     ¦   die ("Error: Could not connect to database. Please try it again later.");
  9     }
 10     if (isset ($_GET['id'], $_SESSION['userid']) && $_POST['comment']) {
 11     ¦   $query = "insert into comment (postid, userid, comment) values (" . $_GET['id'] . ", " . $_SESSION['userid'] . ", '" . $_POST['comment'] . "')";
 12     ¦   $result = mysqli_query ($db, $query);
 13     ¦   if (!$result) {
 14     ¦   ¦   echo "False";
 15     ¦   } else {
 16     ¦   ¦   header ("Location: artical.php?id=" . $_GET['id']);
 17     ¦   }
 18     }
 19     mysqli_close ($db);
 20 ?>
 21 <html>
 22 <body>
 23 <form action= "comment.php?id=<?php echo $_GET['id']; ?>" method= "post">
 24     ¦   <table border= "0">
 25     ¦   ¦   <tr>
 26     ¦   ¦   ¦   <td>Comment:</td>
 27     ¦   ¦   ¦   <td><textarea name= "comment" rows= "3" cols= "35"></textarea></td>
 28     ¦   ¦   </tr>
 29     ¦   ¦   <tr>
 30     ¦   ¦   ¦   <td colspan= "50" align= "center"><input type= "submit" name= "post"/></td>
 31     ¦   ¦   </tr>
 32     ¦   </table>
 33     </form>
 34 </body>
 35 <html>


  1 <?php
  2     session_start ();
  3     if (!(isset ($_SESSION['info']) && $_SESSION['info'] === true)) {
  4     ¦   header ("Location: login.php");
  5     }
  6     @ $db = mysqli_connect ('localhost', 'root', 'xxx', 'forum');
  7     if (mysqli_connect_errno ()) {
  8     ¦   die ("Error: Could not connect to database. Please try it again later.");
  9     }
 10     if (isset ($_SESSION['userid'], $_POST['title']) && $_POST['content']) {
 11     ¦   $query = "insert into articals (title, userid, content) values ('" . $_POST['title'] . "', " . $_SESSION['userid'] . ", '" . $_POST['content'] . "')";
 12     ¦   $result = mysqli_query ($db, $query);
 13     ¦   if (!$result) {
 14     ¦   ¦   echo 'False';
 15     ¦   } else {
 16     ¦   ¦   header ("Location: index.php");
 17     ¦   }
 18     }
 19     mysqli_close ($db);
 20 ?>
 21 <html>
 22 <body>
 23     <form action= "post.php" method= "post">
 24     ¦   <table border= "0">
 25     ¦   ¦   <tr>
 26     ¦   ¦   ¦   <td>Title:</td>
 27     ¦   ¦   ¦   <td><input type= "text" name= "title" size= "37" maxlength= "35"/></td>
 28     ¦   ¦   </tr>
 29     ¦   ¦   <tr>
 30     ¦   ¦   ¦   <td>Content:</td>
 31     ¦   ¦   ¦   <td><textarea name= "content" rows= "3" cols= "35"></textarea></td>
 32     ¦   ¦   </tr>
 33     ¦   ¦   <tr>
 34     ¦   ¦   ¦   <td colspan= "8" align= "center"><input type= "submit" name= "post"/></td>
 35     ¦   ¦   </tr>
 36     ¦   </table>
 37     </form>
 38 </body>
 39 </html>